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Sunday, 23rd June, 2019  Cognitive Development through Story Telling Cognitive Development through Story - An unique event has been arranged for poor and educationally backward people. In the event Mr. Debasish Haldar, a renowned recital artist act as story teller. People from different age groups, economic and educationally background have attend the event. Event conducted by Dr. Ishita Chatterjee. Thursday, 28th February, 2019  SSBTR becomes 80G Certificated SSBTR has received 80G certificate from Income Tax department. 80G Approval No. : CIT(EXEMPTION), KOLKATA/80G/2018-19/A/10105 Order No. : ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2018-19/1014606278(1) dt. 27/12/2018 Sunday, 18th November, 2018  12th Seminar & Interactive Session on Brain Tumor Speaker 1 : Dr. Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, IIEST, Shibpur, Howrah Title : "RNA based therapeutics for human diseases" Speaker 2 : Dr. Anirban Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Panihati Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata Title : "Brain Tumor Biology with special emphasis on Glioma: Facts, Findings and Difficulties in Research with Local Population" Speaker 3 : Dr. Dibyendu Kumar Ray, Assistant Professor, BIN, Kolkata Title : Use of Gamma Knife & Robotic Surgery of Brain Tumor Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail by 11th Nov, 2018. Outstation and over-seas participants can also join with us through SKYPE provided we have adequate internet connectivity on that day. Interested persons are requested to inform us about his/her SKYPE account id. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office [see 'Contact' page for details] Friday, 31st August, 2018  SSBTR becomes 12A Certificated SSBTR has received the 12A Certificate from Income Tax Department. It is by the order of the Commissioner of Income Tax (Exemption), Kolkata dated 25.04.2018, SSBTR received a Unique Registration Number (URN) : AAOAS2704C/10/17-18/18-19/S-0042 as established for charitable purpose of Medical Relief and Advancement of General Public Utility in the Register of Societies maintained in Income Tax Department, Ward-1(3) under Memo Number : CIT(E)/10E/745/2017-18/18-19/S-0042/0344-45 dated 01.05.2018 Sunday, 11th June, 2017  11th Seminar & Interactive Session : by Dr. Susanta Tewari, TeraBundle & Dr. Subhasis Sahu, KU Speaker : Dr. Susanta Tewari, Director, TeraBundle Title : TeraBundle Platform: A Solution to Reproducibility in Science Dr. Tewari has done his Ph.D. from University of Georgia, USA in Statistics, have a Post-Doctoral training at National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda USA and Markey Cancer Center, Lexington USA. He also has extensive experience developing software for business and academia for more than a decade. He is an active researcher in Computational Population Genetics, and an enthusiast of Open-Science.
Speaker : Dr. Subhashis Sahu, Associate Professor, University of Kalyani Title : "Behind the glitters ... Persistent exposure and undermined health effect of the Indian Goldsmith" Dr. Sahu received his Ph.D. degree from University of Calcutta in the area of Ergonomics & Occupational Health. He is teaching Physiology in University of Kalyani since 2007. Before joining to present position he had more than five years of teaching experiences in Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Tribhuvan University, Nepal and GSL Medical College and General Hospital, University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh. Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail by 5th June, 2017. Outstation and over-seas participants can also join with us through SKYPE provided we have adequate internet connectivity on that day. Interested persons are requested to inform us about his/her SKYPE account id. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office [see 'Contact' page for details] Sunday, 14th August, 2016  10th Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR: by Dr. DK Ray, BIN & Prof. Amit Roychowdhury, IIEST Speaker : Dr. Dibyendu Kumar Ray, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Bangur Institute of Neurosciences (BIN), Kolkata Title of speech : Neurotrophic Therapy in Diffuse Axonal Injury Speaker : Prof. Amit Roychowdhury, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering & Applied Mechanics, & Head, Centre for Health Science & Technology Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology (IIEST), Shibpur Title of speech : Patient Specific Implant Designing: Concept to Clinic Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail by 7th Aug, 2016. Outstation and over-seas participants can also join with us through SKYPE provided we have adequate internet connectivity on that day. Interested persons are requested to inform us about his/her SKYPE account id. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office [see 'Contact' page for details] Organized by : Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 26th June, 2016  Physiotherapy Camp in Burdwan by Dr. Rajkumar Adhikari Physiotherapy Camp at Burdwan Organized & Conducted by : Dr. Rajkumar Adhikari, MPT Friday, 10th June, 2016  9th Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Dr. Santasabuj Das, Scientist E, Division of Clinical Medicine, National Institute of Cholera & Enteric Diseases (NICED), Kolkata Title of speech : Salmonella Typhi: a human intestinal pathogen with systemic agenda Speaker : Prof. Tarun Kanti Naskar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University (JU), Kolkata Title of speech : Robotics & Applications Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail by 1st June, 2016. Outstation and over-seas participants can also join with us through SKYPE provided we have adequate internet connectivity on that day. Interested persons are requested to inform us about his/her SKYPE account id. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office [see 'Contact' page for details] Organized by : Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 10th April, 2016  8th Seminar and Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Abhik Mukherjee, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology (IIEST), Shibpur Title of speech : Time Series Analysis Speaker : Prof. Soumitro Banerjee Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER), Kolkata Title of speech : Chaos Theory Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail by 1st April, 2016. Outstation and over-seas participants can also join with us through SKYPE provided we have adequate internet connectivity on that day. IF any one interested please inform us your SKYPE account id. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office [see 'Contact' page for details] Organized by : Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 07th February, 2016  7th Seminar and Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Prof. Debnath Chudhuri, Ex-Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry & Nutrition, All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, Kolkata Title of speech : Nutrition problems in India and their management Speaker : Dr. Soma Barman Assistant Professor, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata Title of speech : Uses of Genomic Information in the diagnosis of disease Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail to by 1st February, 2016. Outstation and overseas participants can also join with us through SKYPE provided we have adequate internet connectivity on that day. Time : 3:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 06th December, 2015  1st State Level One-day Symposium on Translational Systems Biology Programe Schedule is as follows : 11:00 AM Inaugaration Morning Session : Chair : Dr. Dibyendu Kumar Ray (Department of Surgery, Bangur Institute of Neurology) 11:15 AM 1. Presidential Address by Dr. Dibyendu Kumar Ray, MS, MCh 12:00 Noon 2. Dr. Ishita Chatterjee, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta Title of speech : Students & Cognition 01:00 PM 3. Prof. Shubhabrata Datta, Principal, Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering Title of speech : In silico Design of Bio-implant Materials 02:00 PM --- LUNCH BREAK Afternoon Session Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (Department of Physiology, West Bengal State University) 03:00 PM 4. Prof. Suryasarathi Barat, Ex-Director, School of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur (presently IIEST) Title of speech : Irreversible Thermodynamics: Relevance in Systems Biology 04:00 PM 5. Physiotherapy Community Service by Dr. Rajkumar Adhikary, MPT 5:00 PM 6. Dr. Sthabir Dasgupta, MD Free-lance Consultant Oncologist Title of speech : ক্যানসার ও অনিশ্চয়তা, এই কি নিয়তি? [Cancer & Uncertainty: Is it The Fate?] Venue : SSBTR Office ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested non-member participants are requested to send a confirmation mail to by 15th November, 2015. Note : On policy SSBTR is almost a paper less society. So e-Certificate of participation will be provided to participants on request to Organizing Committee General Chair : Dr. Dibyendu Kumar Ray Organizing Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder Program Chair : Dr. Ishita Chatterjee, Mr. Bishwajit Das Advisory Chair : Prof. Suryasarathi Barat, Prof. Tarun Kanti Naskar, Prof. Jyotiprakas Haldar Sunday, 04th October, 2015  6th Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Dr. Bhaskar Saha, Ph.D., Bhatnagar Awardee Scientist H, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune Title of speech : Leishmania Infection : Mechanism of Alternate Fates Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 02nd August, 2015  5th Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Prof. Kuntal Biswas, M.B.B.S, DPH, D.N.B (P), PhD (Paediatrics), FCCP,FCAM, FMCESA, PG Cert in Pediatrics Registrar, Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata Secretary, Janaswasthya Committee Title of speech : First 1,000 days’ care of life determines the prospects of future of the baby, family as well as nation Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 07th June, 2015  4th Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Prof. Jyotiprakas Haldar Ex-Principal, Bangobasi College, Kolkata & Member, SSBTR Title of speech : Immune Responses in Kala-Azar & Post Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis Speaker : Dr. Durjoy Majumder Department of Physiology, West Bengal State University & Member, SSBTR Title of speech : Information Processing: Differences by Human & Machine Chair : Dr. Ishita Chatterjee (Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta) ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 05th April, 2015  3rd Seminar & Interactive Sessions of SSBTR Speaker : Mr. Milan Sinha, Director, Bluetech Dynamics, Dakshin Bijoynagar, South 24 Parganas Title of Speech : Effect of Pesticides on Fish Physiology : Future Direction of Research on Human Health Speaker : Dr. Sutanu Dutta Chowdhury, Head, CWTT, Department of Physiology, Bangabasi Evening College, Kolkata Title of Speech : Nutritional Status, Cognitive & Motor Development of Santal Children of Purulia District, West Bengal Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 08th February, 2015  2nd Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Mr. Probir Kumar Dhar, M.Tech. Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Bengal College of Engineering & Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal & Member, SSBTR Title of speech : Application of Control Engineering in the Understanding of Cancer Systems Biology Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary Sunday, 28th December, 2014  1st Seminar & Interactive Session of SSBTR Speaker : Dr. Suparna Dutt, Ph.D. Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine Title of speech : Translating Bone Marrow Transplantation from Bench to Bedside Speaker : Dr. Mrinmoy Sanyal, Ph.D. Department of Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine Title of speech : Human Immune Response Analysis and Personalized Medicine Chair : Dr. Durjoy Majumder (West Bengal State University) ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Time : 4:00 PM Venue : SSBTR Office Organized by: Dr. Durjoy Majumder, Secretary
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Wednesday, 31st December, 2025 OTHER / RECENT ACIVITIES All members are requested to attend all the meetings for discussion of the society proceedings. Please keep watching this page for notification. In this section we will be displaying all our upcoming news and event updates from our society intermittently so stay tuned and keep watching this space.
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