• Congratulation Ms. Das & Dr. Majumder for publication of CDD Portal
  • Congratulation Dr. Das & Dr. Majumder for the paper in J Biomol Struct Dyn 2022
  • SSBTR is 80G Certified Society
  • SSTR members published a policy paper on Translational Research
  • SSBTR received 12A Certificate
  • SSBTR Members published a Policy Paper on Systems Medicine Education for Developing Countries
  • Congratulation SSBTR Members for publishing a Policy Paper on Systems Medicine
  • Congratulation Mr. Dhar & Dr. Majumder for publishing research report on leukemia treatment
  • Here, in this section we will be intermittently displaying the achievements of our hon'ble members so stay tuned and keep watching this space.

Society for Systems Biology & Translational Research

( Regn. No. S/2L/No. 10387 of 2013-14 of West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961 )
( 12A Certificate Memo No. CIT(E)/10E/745/2017-18/18-19/S-0042/0344-46 )
( 80G Order No. ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2018-19/1014606278(1) dated 27/12/2018 )
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SSBTR is a collaborative platform where peoples transcend their disciplinary training to work together on human diseases.
SSBTR is a non-govermental and not-for-profit biomedical research centric society engaged in the field of Systems Biology and Translational Research. The ultimate goal is to provide Medical Relief and Advancement of General Public Utility for the enhancement of Quality of Life.
SSBTR aims to make research on chronic diseases that require long-term treatment management with a systems approach.
SSBTR is a society where people from across the disciplinary boundaries work together to design and frame innovative strategies of health care management with a low cost that require long-term treatment management so that different human diseases could be tackled much more scientifically.
SSBTR thinks that pathophysiological dynamics under different human disease conditions are needed to explore, as this could be the primary requisite to deliver therapy at the individual level. SSBTR thinks that no single discipline is sufficient to tackle this. Though from different disciplinary background, several people are working to solve different health related issues with an individual effort; however, due to socio-economic structure, experts from different fields are scattered in different institutions in India . As a result health care problems are seen in a piece-meal manner and as a result a comprehensive holistic view is absent.
To address the above mentioned issues different biomedical scientists, clinicians, and engineers are united together to form this SSBTR. Hence, SSBTR will act as a platform under which people from across the disciplinary boundary and the institutional administrative control can work together towards the above mentioned goal.
So SSBTR welcome experts from different disciplines as wells different institutions to work towards the goal.
In India, the present scenario is that –
  • Biomedical research & health care are separated out
  • Biomedical research is considered to be fancy activity & has a little real life value
  • Biomedical education is confined within four walls classroom and far away from societal implementation
Under these circumstances, biomedical researches are oriented towards four aspects -
  • epidemiological which may extend to molecular epidemiology
  • mechanistic explanation through in vitro experimentation
  • over emphasization towards product based research
  • phenomenon to theorization and testing of the reverse is absent
In reality, health related solution is sought from western world. This, in turn, make an imposition of different therapeutic schemes that are aptly suitable for developed countries are tried to fit into the patients of developing countries. However, due to differences not only in the genetic structure but also due to differences in socio-enconomic differences, these could be the burden to the patients of developing countries specially SAARC countries. Moreover, seeking of mechanistic explanation is appealing biologically and do not require any clinical training. Hence, the issue of patients' benefit remains unanswered. The research outputs are mostly directed towards journal impact factor, citation index, publication list and remotely to diagnostic benefit. In tune with the systems biology venture, SSBTR is in the opinion that the real solution of different health related issues can be solved with the incorporation of the dynamical aspects in biomedical research venture with the incorporation of different socio-economic and regional factors and hence, SSBTR will take an initiative to orient young researchers towards this direction.
For further, see Suggested Readings, Research of SSBTR and Our Blog SSBTR Think Tank
« News Update »
  • Wednesday, 31st December, 2025
  • All members are requested to attend all the meetings for discussion of the society proceedings. Please keep watching this page for notification.
  • In this section we will be displaying all our upcoming news and event updates from our society intermittently so stay tuned and keep watching this space.

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